B5 (of course)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sun May 19 06:18:49 EDT 1996

Subject: B5 (of course)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
+  1: May 15, 1996: caldonia at primenet.com
+  3: May 19, 1996: naran at sfu.ca (Travers Naran)
*  4: May 19, 1996: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)


From: caldonia at primenet.com
Lines: 18

Hello Michael,
 Well, after a hiatas from the dreaded "FCC file", I am back; much to
 the consternation of those who would wish me ill and suscumbing to   
the desease of "fumble fingers" - however, the Macintosh just will not
 Now that you are on Usernet and can "legally" recieve my messages, I
 wish to know if you have perused the book "Everything in this book is
 a lie, but that's exactly how it is" ?
 The reason that I ask is that I have been able to "peg" all your
 episodes up to the recient TO THE LETTER. This caused some
 consternation amongst the "speculation" groups, but hey, I have a
 specific question in mind that I just can't ask you over those groups
 or the usernet.
 A N Y W A Y ......
 Great shows, keep them up.
 (BTW: I know what "In the shadow of Z'Ha"Dum is leading to: I've been
 there - HA HA HA HA HA :}  !!!!
 Tom Green


From: naran at sfu.ca (Travers Naran)
Lines: 30

caldonia at primenet.com writes:

>Hello Michael,
>> Well, after a hiatas from the dreaded "FCC file", I am back; much to
>> the consternation of those who would wish me ill and suscumbing to the
>> desease of "fumble fingers" - however, the Macintosh just will not
>> die!

OK.  Who are you?

>> Now that you are on Usernet and can "legally" recieve my messages, I
>> wish to know if you have perused the book "Everything in this book is
>> a lie, but that's exactly how it is" ?
>> The reason that I ask is that I have been able to "peg" all your
>> episodes up to the recient TO THE LETTER. This caused some
>> consternation amongst the "speculation" groups, but hey, I have a
>> specific question in mind that I just can't ask you over those groups
>> or the usernet.
>> A N Y W A Y ......
>> Great shows, keep them up.
>> (BTW: I know what "In the shadow of Z'Ha"Dum is leading to: I've been
>> there - HA HA HA HA HA :}  !!!!

What the heck was that?  Usernet?

Travers Naran -- naran at sfu.ca, naran at freenet.vancouver.bc.ca
    Computing Science Student, SF/Fantasy fan, Amiga-holic and Anglican
	"Stand back... I'm a Programmer!"


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

"The reason that I ask is that I have been able to "peg" all your episodes
up to the recient TO THE LETTER."

I knew you would say that.


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