ATTN JMS: Why is no one offended at BOTH old races?!?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 9 06:20:17 EST 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Why is no one offended at BOTH old races?!?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov  7, 1996: Sohail Gandhi and Firoza Patel <mgandhi at>
+  4: Nov  8, 1996: chan at (C. Chan)
*  5: Nov  8, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: Sohail Gandhi and Firoza Patel <mgandhi at>
Lines: 7

After watching Z'ha'dum and "Wolf"  (No spoilers here), my main thought
was basically,  who the hell are these old races who assume moral
superiority based on technical superiority?  How dare they interfere
with our development as a species just to suit their own petty needs?

I wonder if any character  on the show will take that same line of
thought and expand upon it?


From: chan at (C. Chan)
Lines: 41

In article <55uns0$1op at>,
jeremy howard todd <jhtodd at> wrote:
>Sohail Gandhi and Firoza Patel <mgandhi at> writes:
>>After watching Z'ha'dum and "Wolf"  (No spoilers here), my main thought
>>was basically,  who the hell are these old races who assume moral
>>superiority based on technical superiority?  How dare they interfere
>>with our development as a species just to suit their own petty needs?
>	I'm wondering if this is an intentional reference to most of
>western history, or just a common theme.
>	Anyway, it's a tough question.  I suppose it depends on what
>their motives really are.  I haven't seen Wolf yet, but from ZHD the
>Shadows at least want us to think that both they and the Vorlons are
>just trying to do what's best for the younger races.  I'm a firm
>believer that people -- and species, I suppose -- have to learn by
>making their own mistakes (of course, I'm also the guy who put his
>hand on a red-hot burner when he was 3 because it was pretty, so take
>an appropriate grain of salt), so I'd just as soon not have anybody
>modifying my genetic structure or pitting me against those nasty
>aliens next door.
>	-jht

I subscribe to the theory that both the Vorlons and Shadows are
manipulating the younger races out of their own self-interest.
Perhaps unlike the other elder races, they were unable to make
a transition to a transcendant state because of some flaw in
their nature. They are seeking to repair that flaw by nuturing
along and finding a race which has what they ain't got. The
Shadows are conducting a genetic algorithm experiment in hardware
while the Vorlons believe a more directed linear search is best.
(This means the reaction of the First One to Ivanova's mention
of the Vorlon's was one of contempt for a race that couldn't
attain transcendance.)

                  C. Chan 
         Email: <chan at>  
        "...TREET - even scarier than SPAM..."


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 17

"After watching Z'ha'dum and "Wolf"  (No spoilers here), my main thought
was basically,  who the hell are these old races who assume moral
superiority based on technical superiority?  How dare they interfere with
our development as a species just to suit their own petty needs? I wonder
if any character  on the show will take that same line of thought and
expand upon it?"

Well, until now, that's been primarily unknown to the other species.  Now,
thanks to Sheridan's trip to Z'ha'dum, and stuff coming up, that
information will start to get out.

So yeah, you may find someone or someones picking this thread up....


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