jms and TV was: Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi (* NO Spoilers *)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 17 06:25:58 EST 1996

Subject: jms and TV was: Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi (* NO Spoilers *)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 14, 1996: "Jeffrey D. Schultz" <jds4 at>
+  3: Nov 15, 1996: jrr7 at (Jonathan Rynd)
*  4: Nov 16, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: "Jeffrey D. Schultz" <jds4 at>
Lines: 24

In article <19961114060300.BAA14552 at> ,
jmsatb5 at writes:
> I've got to start watching
>TV again, beyond X-Files, 60 Minutes and Simpsons.  (Well, I've added
>Millennium, so that helps.)

Joe, you should check out:

 - The Tick (11:30 am Sat. on Fox)
 - Animaniacs (too early Sat. on WB)
 - High Incident (Steven Spielberg's "cop show", 8pm Thurs. on ABC)

I gave up on Millennium - I mean, do you really need all of that blood
to tell the story? I tolerate enough from the X-Files.

- Jeff Schultz   <*>         "You're not going crazy, you're going 
jds4 at                  sane in a crazy world!" - The Tick,             reassuring his sidekick Arthur
********  Cornell University, Northeast Regional Climate Center ********


From: jrr7 at (Jonathan Rynd)
Lines: 30

In article <56fnq1$ah7 at>, "Jeffrey D. Schultz"
<jds4 at> wrote:

>In article <19961114060300.BAA14552 at> ,
>jmsatb5 at writes:
>> I've got to start watching
>>TV again, beyond X-Files, 60 Minutes and Simpsons.  (Well, I've added
>>Millennium, so that helps.)
>Joe, you should check out:
> - The Tick (11:30 am Sat. on Fox)
> - Animaniacs (too early Sat. on WB)
> - High Incident (Steven Spielberg's "cop show", 8pm Thurs. on ABC)

What?  You want ***JMS*** to watch ***ANIMANIACS***???

Don't you think he's twisted enough as he is?  Can you imagine what will
happen to him if he starts watching Animaniacs?

And I'm not even going to TALK about what would happen to B5 if its
creator was watching The Tick regularly.

"Ethical Relativity: The exact same universal laws are always true,
 and apply to you no matter what your frame of reference is."


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 14

I love the history channel.  I end up landing there late at night and
watching whatever's on, especially the newsreel stuff.  Just terrific. 
Interestingly, of all the new channels, THC is the one growing the fastest
right now.  It gives me a small glimmer of hope....


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