JMS:Contract with Foundation dropped?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 17 06:36:00 EST 1996

Subject: JMS:Contract with Foundation dropped?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 15, 1996: goat at (Daniel Quaroni)
+  2: Nov 16, 1996: jrr7 at (Jonathan Rynd)
*  3: Nov 17, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: goat at (Daniel Quaroni)
Lines: 19

I heard that Foundation will no longer be doing the special effects for
Babylon 5...  Is this true?  If so, why?  You once said long ago when people
asked why B5's special effects were so good even though they weren't done on
SGI that it was because you had Ron Thornton.  I worship the work he does...
Did you really drop him?

And on a lighter note, I was just lurking around the first season's lurker's
guide, and it's pretty funny to read the unanswered questions and theories
and be able to say "I know the answer to that~."

		-=-Daniel Quaroni
			-=-goat at


From: jrr7 at (Jonathan Rynd)
Lines: 26

In article <56iqbo$eaa at>, goat at
(Daniel Quaroni) wrote:

>I heard that Foundation will no longer be doing the special effects for
>Babylon 5...  Is this true?  If so, why?  You once said long ago when people
>asked why B5's special effects were so good even though they weren't done on
>SGI that it was because you had Ron Thornton.  I worship the work he does...
>Did you really drop him?
      Yep, Foundation left to do the work for ST:Voyager.  Babylonian
Productions hired most of the animators that Foundation laid off, and they
have the same tech, so quality will not suffer.

>And on a lighter note, I was just lurking around the first season's lurker's
>guide, and it's pretty funny to read the unanswered questions and theories
>and be able to say "I know the answer to that~."
      Someone will have to update LG eventually to point to
spoiler-answers to all the unanswered questions, sadly...
      On the "humor page" there is a mid-season-two "Office Pool" where
people bet on all sorts of what will we see when Kosh comes
out of his suit, who will be the big betrayal of the season, etc.  Some
were pretty good, some were way off (NOBODY suspected Talia)

"Ethical Relativity: The exact same universal laws are always true,
 and apply to you no matter what your frame of reference is."


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 10

We were unable to make a deal with Foundation this season.  All the new B5
effects for fourth season, including the first two aired, were done


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