JMS' Purpose for B5 (Philosophical)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 21 06:28:03 EST 1996

Subject: JMS' Purpose for B5 (Philosophical)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 20, 1996: jsc at (Judson Cohan)
*  2: Nov 21, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: jsc at (Judson Cohan)
Lines: 28

Paul Gesslein (paul at wrote:


:     JMS leaves us to find our own answers and that looks like, to me,
: his message in Babylon 5.  You can't just have someone give you all the
: answers.  At some point you have to break away and find your own answers
: to your own questions.  This seems to be the idea in a lot of his
: scriptwriting and his posts.  In fact, the essence of B5 revolves around
: it.


     Indeed.  That was a primary feature of the other great series in the 
history or television, The Prisoner.  Ask 6 Prisoner fans to explain the 
meaning of the last episode, and by the end you'll have 36 answers.


     "While all other sciences have advanced, government is at a stand; 
      little better practiced now than three or four thousand years ago."

                     --  John Adams, 2nd President of the United States


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 23

"JMS leaves us to find our own answers and that looks like, to me, his
message in Babylon 5.  You can't just have someone give you all the
answers.  At some point you have to break away and find your own answers
to your own questions.  This seems to be the idea in a lot of his
scriptwriting and his posts.  In fact, the essence of B5 revolves around
it.  You don't know what other people are thinking, the good guys arent
always what they appear to be, and life is NOT black and white.  Relying
on others for answers makes you a slave to them because you believe
whatever they tell you."


Give that man a ceegar.


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