JMS: Next time, use IRC. =)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 27 06:26:20 EST 1996

Subject: JMS: Next time, use IRC. =)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Nov 26, 1996: ck-ah at ( )
+  3: Nov 26, 1996: "Jeffrey D. Schultz" <jds4 at>
*  4: Nov 27, 1996: jmsatb5 at


From: ck-ah at ( )
Lines: 12

I'm sure there will be a flood of mail on this, but while many folks were
trying to shield-bash their way onto the chat on,
several dozen or more fans were on IRC the whole time on #babylon5
remarking how THEIR server had no trouble at all. ... =)

Chris Keroack	
ck-ah at


From: "Jeffrey D. Schultz" <jds4 at>
Lines: 26

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In article <329c506d.16689972 at> Chris Weller,
dorje at writes:
>ck-ah at ( ) wrote:
>>I'm sure there will be a flood of mail on this, but while many folks were
>>trying to shield-bash their way onto the chat on,
>>several dozen or more fans were on IRC the whole time on #babylon5
>>remarking how THEIR server had no trouble at all. ... =)

Joe, better yet, just don't announce it ahead of time. Just show up
randomly. Even better, put a computer on the set so that anybody from
the crew can wander over on free time and log in and chat with whoever
happens to be on at the moment.

- Jeff Schultz               "Sooner or later, everyone comes 
jds4 at                 to Babylon 5" - Jeffrey Sinclair,            "The Gathering," Babylon 5  <*>
********  Cornell University, Northeast Regional Climate Center ********


From: jmsatb5 at
Lines: 17

No, it wouldn't have been as bad if they'd been prepared for us.

Also, while many boast about IRCs being the end-all of these things, the
IRC that I did while in Tampa had just as many servers blow up, all over
the place.

Final figure was that 6,000 tried to get into this thing...there ain't a
server on the planet that can handle that.


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