ATTN JMS: Third age no longer mentioned?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 23 06:13:16 EDT 1996

Subject: ATTN JMS: Third age no longer mentioned?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Oct 22, 1996: langour at (Andrew Lee)
*  2: Oct 22, 1996: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: langour at (Andrew Lee)
Lines: 16

G'Day there,
	For the first two seasons, you mentioned it was the dawn of the
third age of mankind in the intro titles. Third season doesn't do this.
Given this piece of info, plus the current state of Earth, is it fair to
assume that we are now in the Third Age? And if so, given your tendency
to give misleading cues in the show (love that music cue in Severed), is
the Third Age perhaps not as positive as was supposed? And if so, given
the WWII parallels in the show, is the Third Age equivalent to the Third
Reich? That's something we've been thinking about down here, what do you
say? Are we close? Huh? Huh? :)
Andrew Lee... langour at
And remember kiddies, we put the S into


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 15

By not mentioning it, now you're mentioning it, so to get something
mentioned maybe it's better not to mention it, or mention not mentioning
it, or by not mentioning that you've not mentioned it let someeone else
mention that you've not mentioned it.

By the time you finish the preceding sentence, the word "mention" will
have lost all meaning.

And we'll get back to this issue in season 4.


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