ATTN: JMS--First Week Filming

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Aug 23 06:25:33 EDT 1997

From: schroeder william r <wschroed at>
Date: 22 Aug 1997 16:44:40 -0400
Lines: 20


What is the spirit on the set during the first week back?

Can you say anything yet about improvements in the look of the show you 
are aiming for in Season 5?

Thanks for maintaining contact with us even though you are under great 
writing pressure right now.  


Bill Schroeder

P.S.  Kudos to the new editors of Universe Today.  Much improved!  I was 
amazed at how much content they got into the pages they had.  A few major 
proofreading errors, however.  I think the in-depth article (e.g., on 
Bruce and John) is the right way to go.  I'd love to see something on 
Doug Netter's role in the whole operation, especially on Season 5 renewal.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Aug 1997 18:46:06 -0400
Lines: 18

>What is the spirit on the set during the first week back?
It's great, very positive.  Everyone's right back into the swing of
things, and having a good time.  

>Can you say anything yet about improvements in the look of the show you 
>are aiming for in Season 5?

No major improvements planned in the look, we've got things pretty much
the way we want them to be at this point.  Trying for constant
improvements in the writing, natch, but that's par for the course.  


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