Attn JMS: The real end of the series

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Dec 13 06:17:19 EST 1997

From: ck at ( )
Date: 11 Dec 1997 22:13:40 -0700
Lines: 10

Since you're on ep 517, that must mean 521 is round the corner.. so I
gotta wonder when it's gonna hit ya (and the rest of the cast and crew)
that the end of writing, end of filming, end of post-production work, etc.
is coming soon. I mean, you all celebrated 422 a while back as if it were
the end of the series, because it was really possible that it could be..
now the end's coming up for real... hm. From the outside looking in, it
seems like the 5th season prep work has just flown by. 

Since it means that we get to see season 5 all the way through with no
reruns/breaks (right? right?), I'm not complaining here, though. =)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Dec 1997 22:41:58 -0700
Lines: 17

>Since you're on ep 517, that must mean 521 is round the corner.. so I
>gotta wonder when it's gonna hit ya (and the rest of the cast and crew)
>that the end of writing, end of filming, end of post-production work, etc.
>is coming soon.

I dunno...on one level, I think everyone's too busy to give it much thought. 
On another, having gone through all this last season, I think to some extent
it's already been burned through, and we're past that stage now.  (Anger,
denial, depression, bargaining, acceptance - Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.)

That there's going to be another TV movie is a big help for everyone, and the
prospect of Crusade keeping our crew busy is a help to them, and WB is still
muttering about a possible feature film which is keeping everyone's spirits it's surprisingly low key and okay.

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