ATTN JMS: Only on Babylon 5 . . . (no ITF spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Feb 8 06:10:24 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Only on Babylon 5 . . . (no ITF spoilers)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb  6, 1997: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
*  2: Feb  7, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Lines: 28

Only on Babylon 5 would an episode like "Into the Fire" not be a
series finale.  It's not even a season finale.  It's an episode
somewhere in the beginning of a season.  Heck, the beginning sequence of
the episode would have been the end on most SF shows.  Geez, you're
either a genius or insane.  Probably both, eh?
  Now, typically I don't gush, I figure you don't like it too much, but
I've got to on this one:  That was an astounding piece of work there, my
man.  This show is definitely the "Star Wars" of television, perhaps
even bigger than that in some ways.
  Now, a couple of questions, if I may, regarding the episode:

  1.) The CGI was excellent and seemed very different than in previous
episodes, much larger, better defined, darker.  Was this an effort on
your part, or the post-production department?

  2.) Have you found some way to slow down time or compress the episode
into a shorter span?  When I finished this one, I swore I had watched a
two hour movie.

  3.) Any reaction from the actor or staff on this one?  Especially, Ed
Wassner? (Might be a bit of spoilers in the answer to this one)
 Docking Bay 13 -
Brent Schmidt                   TVsBrent at MCS.COM


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 27

 1.) The CGI was excellent and seemed very different than in previous
episodes, much larger, better defined, darker.  Was this an effort on
your part, or the post-production department?

We're trying some new rendering techniques...I think they're working very
well.  (Some of the stuff in the next episode has a very realistic feel to

  2.) Have you found some way to slow down time or compress the episode
into a shorter span?  When I finished this one, I swore I had watched a
two hour movie.

You did.  We arranged for a time dilation bubble to appear over your

  3.) Any reaction from the actor or staff on this one?  Especially, Ed
Wassner? (Might be a bit of spoilers in the answer to this one)

Ed wants to come back as an alien.  I see no problem with this.


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