ATT: JMS No Models from Revell?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Feb 16 06:09:14 EST 1997

Subject: ATT: JMS No Models from Revell?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 16, 1997: Laura Appelbaum <l-appelbaum at>
*  2: Feb 16, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Laura Appelbaum <l-appelbaum at>
Lines: 13

Hi, JMS.  Kudos etc.  Now a question:  recently I read that you saw ads
for the model ships to be made by Revell/Modello, and thought they'd be
out soon.  I rushed out to the local hobby shop, where the owner had
heard nothing new on the subject.  However, he had just received a new
1997 catalog from the company, and we leafed through it.  There were
several mentions of other models "to be released later this year," but
absolutely nothing about Babylon 5 Models.  Does this mean they won't
actually become available until 1998?  Say it ain't so, Joe! (Sorry, but
how could any "red-blooded American" resist using that line?)

Thanks, as always, for keeping us fans in the loop!  LMA


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 16

"recently I read that you saw ads for the model ships to be made by
Revell/Modello, and thought they'd be out soon.  I rushed out to the local
hobby shop, where the owner had heard nothing new on the subject."

These were ads that were coming through my hands for approval.  They won't
be appearing for a while yet...but definitely later this year.  They
wouldn't be sending me ad copy if they weren't planning to do something. 
Since the ads just came through, they wouldn't have shown up in the latest


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