Into the Fire - Spoilers

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Feb 25 19:01:27 EST 1997

Subject: Into the Fire - Spoilers
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 12, 1997: judge at (Dirk A. Loedding)
+  8: Feb 13, 1997: Richard Bergstresser <richberg at>
*  9: Feb 14, 1997: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>


From: judge at (Dirk A. Loedding)
Lines: 90

In article <mvpE5912G.K6o at>,
mvp at (Mike Van Pelt) wrote:

>"Into the Fire" spoilers....

[spoiler space recycled]

>In article <vuf+y8MBAL5f090yn at>, 
>Dirk A. Loedding <judge at> wrote:

>>I *loved* this scene.  The only thing I didn't like was how easy 
>>Morden's little buddies were to kill.

>They should have been as hard to kill as Kosh-II... however...

>On Babylon 5, inside the station they probably only have access
>to police type weapons, and those limited to things that won't
>punch through to vacuum.  On Centari Prime, Londo's forces have
>access to just about any large-bore high-energy weapon they
>might desire.  (And it still took several shots.)

Good point.  I forgot for a moment that the Centauri are more 
technologically advanced than Earth is...and as such, probably have 
more powerful weaponry than Earth does.  Even though the weapons the 
guards were carrying were relatively small, it doesn't take much 
imagination to believe they could be quite powerful.  I just didn't 
think about it at the time.

>Then again, the Shadows have always seemed more personaly
>vulnerable than the Vorlons.  Sheridan's little PPG at least slowed
>one down enough to allow him to escape on Za'Ha'Dum.  I get the
>impression that Kosh would have hardly noticed a single PPG.

We never saw what actually happened when Sheridan started shooting, so 
we don't really have much information about that.  I would have expected 
the Shadows to be at least as tough as a Vorlon. 

Then again...the Shadows are wandering around unseen, and thus are not 
obvious targets...and therefore maybe don't feel the need to be as well-
protected as a Vorlon.

>Hmm... How close was the Vorlon planet-killer to firing?  


>Did Londo's
>communication to them cause them to slow down, or take some time
>to think about it and come to a decision to toast Centauri Prime anyway?

I don't think Londo's communication would have made much difference to 
them.  If anything, it might have made them speed up.

>It's possible that Londo's actions bought them just barely as much
>time as they needed.  Only JMS knows for sure...


>When that planet-killer eclipsed CP's sun, it wasn't pointed at
>Centauri Prime.  I wonder if they really were preparing to shoot
>at this point?

Who says a planet-killer needs to be precisely pointed at a planet?
We've seen that Vorlon ships have a fairly wide field of fire.

|   Dirk A. Loedding               <*>               judge at   |


From: Richard Bergstresser <richberg at>
Lines: 54

Maximillian Natzet wrote:
> Richard Bergstresser  writes:
> > Maximillian Natzet wrote:
> > >
> > > judge at  writes:
> > > > In article <E5391D.9r5.0.queen at>,
> > > > ac436 at (Allan Jenoff) wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Spoiler Warning for Into the Fire
> > > > > 2 Also a small spoiler for last week's The Long Night in short take 4.
> > > >  3
> > > >  4
> > > >  5
> > > >  6              [spoiler space recycled]
> > > >  7
> > > >  8
> > > >  9
> > > >  10
> > > >  11
> > > >  12
> > > >  13
> > > >  14
> > > >  15
> > > >  16
> > > >  17
> > > >  18
> > > >  19
> > > >  20
> > > >  21
> > > >  22
> > > >  23
> > > >  24
> >
> > Side note: Any one notice that everyone except Londo has gotten what they asked
> > Morden for way back when?
> >
> Hmmm.
> Delinn wanted Morden to get the hell out of the room.  He did.
> G'Kar wanted to see C prime destroyed.  Not true yet, but it
> appears to be on the way.

I very cleary remember G'Kar saying "I just want my people to be free."

> Londo wanted the Centauri to be what they used to be.  They
> used to be so much organic matter floating in a primordial
> soup.  Not true yet, but it apears to be on the way.  :)
> --


From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Lines: 42

"Into the Fire" spoilers....

[spoiler space recycled]

[Does that mean it goes in the
Green can or the Blue can?
I can't keep 'em straight]

>In article <vuf+y8MBAL5f090yn at>, 
>Dirk A. Loedding <judge at> wrote:


The Vorlan Planet Killer in the shot previous to departing was on it's
power up cycle.  Londo and company escaped by the skin of his ample
forehead.  (And thank goodness, he has some delicious stuff coming up!)

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5

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