ATTN JMS: Is the future all it's cracked up to be? (repost)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Jan 21 06:20:25 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: Is the future all it's cracked up to be? (repost)
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Jan 20, 1997: Bob Stout <rbs at>
+  2: Jan 20, 1997: jhtodd at (jeremy howard todd)
*  3: Jan 20, 1997: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)


From: Bob Stout <rbs at>
Lines: 30

In the endless mind game of trying to figure out where everything's going
and how current events tie into the arc, I keep bumping up against the
same obstacle, "But that can't be. In WWE we saw that, in the future..." 

This leads to a "hidden in plain sight" question... WWE opens with Ivanova
picking up her own distress call as B5 is being destroyed - an event in a
possible future that never happened. The obvious quesiton then becomes how
much of what we saw, especially Sheridan & Delenn at Londo's palace, is
actually going to happen? I don't expect specifics on what will and won't
be, but is it possible that some of what we saw in WWE will change because
Sheridan (with Lorien's help) has changed the course of the future?  Even
this is questionable, given Zathras' anointing of Sheridan as "the One
that will be". Still the fundamental question remains of how much we 
"know" of the future is cast in concrete?

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From: jhtodd at (jeremy howard todd)
Lines: 28

Bob Stout <rbs at> writes:

>The obvious quesiton then becomes how much of what we saw, especially 
>Sheridan & Delenn at Londo's palace, is actually going to happen? I 
>don't expect specifics on what will and won't be, but is it possible 
>that some of what we saw in WWE will change because Sheridan (with 
>Lorien's help) has changed the course of the future?  

	From JMS Speaks on the lurker's guide page for WWE:

	"Sheridan, by taking the actions he took to keep history on track, 
        has now pretty much assured that the events we see *will* happen."

	"Events will unfold as we saw them. Sheridan might try to use his 
        knowledge to change things...but who knows, that may just bring 
        them about."

Jeremy Todd                         == All those moments ==   _,/
CS Student and Kangaroo Aficianado  == will be lost in   == <__ \_.---.
jhtodd at                     == tears ==    \_  /   \    == in the rain.      ==      \)\ /\.\
=========================================== -- Roy Batty ==        //   \\
"M-O-O-N, that spells moon" - Tom Cullen ==================      ,/'     `\_,


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Lines: 9

No, the future is now largely set...the Londo/G'Kar death scene will
happen as foreseen.


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