"Conflict of Interest" and PPGs (Mild Spoiler)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Wed Jun 4 06:15:04 EDT 1997

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From: twisted415 <twisted415 at sprintmail.com>
Date: 30 May 1997 17:02:22 -0400
Lines: 42

Jay Denebeim wrote:
> In article <Pine.SOL.3.91.970515084720.22909B-100000 at ux5.cso.uiuc.edu>,
> R. Kazmierczak <kazmrczk at students.uiuc.edu> wrote:
> >
> >
> >On 15 May 1997, Harry McDow wrote:
> >
> >> Jay Denebeim wrote:
> >>
> >> Spoiler Space:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Stay with it...

Keep in mind that a PPG is EXTREMELY hot. Hot enough to melt skin to a
bulkhead. The protective advantage over standerd projectile weapons is
in the event of ricochets and accidental, single shots to a bulkhead,
not sustained fire. I believe JMS has said that sustained fire from a
ppg will eventually melt a bulkhead (remember it did seem to take a hell
of a long time for them to get through that door, and that door was
nowhere as thick as the outer walls of the ship) and as for that
aluminum heating duct, hell my zippo could burn through that. As a
firefighter I've examined heating ducts like that. they are weak and
thin, and in that kind of situation, would offer little or no
protection. You must also keep in mind that given the right temperature,
all things WILL burn, cement, metal, anything. super heated plasma in my
opinion, from the specs JMS has given us in the past, will behave the
way they did in that episode.

From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at earthlink.net>
Date: 3 Jun 1997 16:06:32 -0400
Lines: 49

Seriously Mild Spoiler for CoI:

PPG fire through an HVAC tube wall

This is substantially correct.  The PPG blast is extremely hot, and will
melt through the plastic coating and the metal lining inside the tube.
The entire energy of a PPG will not come through the tube (unless by
some coincidence the exact same area is hit twice or three times), and I
believe that this was propoerly portrayed in the sequence.  Even if it
isn't the entire energy blast, it will hurt like hell and de-mobilize an
individual meat packet (person) for the bad guys to come get later.

It did take a *very* long time to burn through the bulkhead door to
allow them access to the hallway, and said door did mildly glow in the
affected areas prior to melting through.  The station hull is even more
heat resistant.

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5

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