Attn: JMS/George/whoever knows the answer(Tape quality for TNT) Re: Attn: JMS/George/whoever knows the answer(Tape quality for TNT) Re: Attn: JMS/George/whoever knows the answer(Tape quality for TNT) Re: Attn: JMS/George/whoever knows the answer(Tape quality for TNT)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jun 27 06:07:47 EDT 1997

From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Date: 25 Jun 1997 18:36:08 -0400
Lines: 19

Joel Andy and other interested folks:

I know you can't see what we see at this end, but.....

Joe, John, Doug, and I went over to Warner's to watch a playback of a
recently completed widescreen edition of B5, and it was a completely
different show. Not that the broadcast version is diminished by watching
wide screen, but it other version is different.  There is indeed more
scenery, and more other things, but we do move the "teevee safe" box
around a bit, and the composition does vary in dramatic impact

While the process they used on converting some of the effects needs
inmprovement, we will be working with them to achieve the ultimate
version of B5 for that time in the future with widescreens in everyone's
grasp.                  IF anyone can agree on a format.

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5
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