B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Mar 1 06:29:22 EST 1997

Subject: ATTN JMS: IMAX B5?
 No. | DATE        |  FROM
s  1: Feb 27, 1997: Laura Gillenwater <tworks19 at>
+  5: Feb 28, 1997: jdunn at (Jack Dunn)
*  6: Mar  1, 1997: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>


From: Laura Gillenwater <tworks19 at>
Lines: 14

I was reading over in the Star Trek .info newsgroup that Paramount and 
IMAX are discussing the possibility of producing a 40-minute, 
$10-million-dollar, CGI-based Star Trek IMAX movie. It seemed like a 
nifty idea, but wouldn't it be *great* to see a B5 IMAX movie too? I'll 
bet just the thought of it would make your animators drool. Any chance 
you guys could explore this possbility? (like you don't already have 
enough different project "irons" in the fire already...)

Just a thought....



From: jdunn at (Jack Dunn)
Lines: 43

Trebor A. Rude (trebor at wrote:
: On 27 Feb 1997 03:14:54 -0500, Laura Gillenwater <tworks19 at>
: wrote:

: >I was reading over in the Star Trek .info newsgroup that Paramount and 
: >IMAX are discussing the possibility of producing a 40-minute, 
: >$10-million-dollar, CGI-based Star Trek IMAX movie. It seemed like a 
: >nifty idea, but wouldn't it be *great* to see a B5 IMAX movie too? I'll 
: >
: >Just a thought....
: >
: >Laura

: 	Good lord, the very thought makes me drool.  I can just see
: it... "Severed Dreams", IMAX style. :)
: --
: <*> Trebor A. Rude                                                <*>

Trust me (but don't tell the trekkies or Rick Berman), $10 would 
barely cover the costs of a few minutes of sci-fi in IMAX.  The 
current IMAX film "Special Effects," which had the blessing of 
Lucasfilm and recreated several effects shots from Star Wars and 
several other films, spent $10 million on a 35 minute film.  If you 
are talking Trek or B5 you would would need to pay actors (there goes 
the budget right there) plus the sets and effects shots for the entire
film which would make "Waterworld" seem like a low 
budget movie.  Of course we'd love to
see B5 on such as scale, but money-wise, it's just too expensive.  Ben
Burritt, who made "Special Effects" originally had thought of making 
the film a sci-fi special effects show with story but rejected it as 
way too costly - and he wasn't even talking using name actors. With 
the Trek franchise, maybe Berman could get the film made, but he'll 
never do it for $10 million.

Jack Dunn - Mueller Planetarium-UNL
On the Web at
If you have a laser projector, join ILDA


From: George Johnsen <ndeiprod at>
Lines: 14

Laura darling,

Are you trying to kill me?

George Johnsen
CoProducer, B5

PS- we'd love to do it.  Our animation is resolution independent, but
there would be much additional work in creating the level of detail that
the large frame would require.  Would be great fun to do, and Boy, would
it sound good!

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