B5JMS administrivia

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Mar 24 12:42:21 EST 1997

This is a message from the maintainer of B5JMS.

Two quick notes:

(1) NO ONE can post to rastb5 at solon.com, because the DNS server of that zone
had fallen out.  The records for it are gone from most of the Internet.
This is a problem I've investigated in the past few days.  It started on
Friday some time.  I've been in touch with the moderators of rastb5m, and
Jay Denebeim told me he was aware of it, and is dealing with the network
administrators at solon to rectify the problem asap.  Even so, it may take
anywhere from a few hours to a few _days_ for the corrected DNS records to
propagate fully throughout the Internet.  My suggestion to you would be to
try posting your messages once a day, and if they fail, wait another day and
try again.

(2) B5JMS had just surpassed its 3000th subscriber tonight!

B5JMS Poster.
Maintainer, B5JMS and B5JMS-DIGEST lists.
<b5jms-owner at majordomo.cs.columbia.edu>
-*** B5JMS SUBSCRIBERS: Replies to messages in this list go to the list
-*** maintainer, <b5jms-owner at cs.columbia.edu>.  If you want to reply
-*** elsewhere, adjust the "To" field.  The best way to reach JMS is to post
-*** to rastb5m, which can be done by sending email to <rastb5 at solon.com>.

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