Does JMS have a choice?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed May 14 06:12:50 EDT 1997

From: rwhutch at
Date: 13 May 1997 13:49:31 -0400
Lines: 23

	He used to have, and he posted messages describing it, a well thought out
policy for handling contingencies affecting the show, such as illness of an actor or
actress, or at the other extreme, for a more "permanent" effect, renewal or non
renewal for another season. Episodes were flexibly designed enough to be
shuffled around.
	Now, however, with no official word on another season, and in fact word
that there will be no official word until the season is over, has he any choice but
to tie up all the loose threads in THIS season, and bring the arc effectively to a
close, all bar the final episode? This robs the fans of character development that
might otherwise have occurred amidst the developments of the remainder of the
show, as everything has to be sacrificed to bring the threads to a close, and also
leaves the show with nothing but context-free fluff on the drawing board, should
the W-B staff decided - too late - that they would rather like another season,
"I would predict that there are far greater mistakes waiting
to be made by someone with your obvious talent for it."
Orac to Vila. [City at the Edge of the World.]
R.W. Hutchinson. | rwhutch at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 May 1997 18:34:49 -0400
Lines: 22

"This robs the fans of character development that might otherwise have
occurred amidst the developments of the remainder of the show, as
everything has to be sacrificed to bring the threads to a close, and also
leaves the show with nothing but context-free fluff on the drawing board,
should the W-B staff decided - too late - that they would rather like
another season,"please?""

That's a big leap in logic based on something you haven't even seen yet.  

I can assure you that year 5 would not be would be concerned
with empire building, and all that goes into that...and the latter half of
season 4 is as intense and character-oriented as anything we've done
before, possibly moreso in many ways.


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