ATTN JMS: Anything special done on last day of Shoot?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri May 23 06:36:53 EDT 1997

From: Brent Schmidt <TVsBrent at MCS.COM>
Date: 21 May 1997 19:05:32 -0400
Lines: 14

A thought occurred to me from reading the title of another message
here, the last day of your shoot this year had the potential to be your
last shoot forever, well for the series at least.  I know that just
about every year that is a possibility, but since you essentially filmed
the series finale this year, did you do anything special?  A moment of
silence?  Champagne?  Back rubs?  A nap?  Maybe that's what you needed
most . . .
 Docking Bay 13 -
Brent Schmidt                   TVsBrent at MCS.COM

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 May 1997 01:33:52 -0400
Lines: 25

Around lunchtime, I began to notice people filtering out -- crew and
others -- wearing white t-shirts with blue lettering that read, on front,
"Shhh...the Great Maker is Directing."  And on the back, "...and on the
seventh day we wrapped." JMS 4:22 May 5, 1997.  It was a nice thing, and
we're considering making the shirts available via the fan club.

Since it's customary for directors to bring in food on the last day of an
episode shoot, I brought in food at the end of the day, and folks stayed
around until late in the evening, just hanging around, chatting, eating,
and the like.  (I headed home around 7 mainly because I was just bushed.) 
We also took a big family picture that will go into the end credits of the
episode, whenever it will finally air.  A lot of our past directors, crew,
actors and others showed up for the thing, and stayed for the party,
knowing that either way, this was going to be the last episode of the
series, whether it's 4 or 5 years.  

Then everybody went away for a few days, and now we're back shooting movie
#1, "Thirdspace."


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