ATTN JMS : Schedule for 501....

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat May 24 06:14:01 EDT 1997

From: Sue Phillips <vampry at>
Date: 23 May 1997 16:51:10 -0400
Lines: 32


If there is no fifth season, 422 will air at the end of
the Final Four (or whatever).

If there is a fifth season, you've said that 501 will
be filmed and done in time to be aired in October.

I don't know, since I've never done it, but that sounds
as though it would be a tremendously hectic schedule, especially
since you won't know if you'll need to do it until....sometime
soon, I hope.  <g>

I am assuming that you know what would happen in 501, that the
script may have already been written.  Filming takes seven days,
but then there is post production and effects.

I was just wondering how late you could actually begin filming
on 501, if necessary, and have it done in time to air where 422
would have aired.

Does that make any sense?  I feel as though I'm trying to talk
about time travel here.  <g>


Five days a week, my body is a temple; the other two,
  it's an amusement park - Jerry Doyle

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 May 1997 18:09:04 -0400
Lines: 12

Actually, the schedule is fine.  We would shoot 501 either late July or
early August; since the 422 slot would be the end of October, that gives
us almost 3 months to finish and deliver, and under the worst conditions
we only take about 52 days, two months, to finish post-production on any


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