The Deconstruction of Falling Stars. ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 6 06:37:49 EST 1997

From: Chris Knight <knigr5c0 at>
Date: 4 Nov 1997 23:41:24 -0500
Lines: 52

Spoilers for The Deconstruction of Falling Stars.

Dear JMS,
"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars" was easily the most innovative 
season ender I've yet seen.  I loved this episode for several reasons: it 
ended on a good note while also piquing curiosity about what's to come, 
it gives a peek at the show's future that others in the genre would steer 
clear of, and also as a history teacher-in-training, this episode 
provokes much thought into the perception of historical figures over time.

However, there was one point that I was rather disappointed in: 
"Deconstruction" is strictly Earth/Human centric.  What's been going on 
with the Narn and the Centauri, the other races, and especially the 
Minbari after all this time?  The episode was a great idea but it looked 
at the future "history" of one small piece of the work and not the work 
as a whole.  Guess what I'm trying to say, Joe, is that B5 has avoided 
the "human-centric" trap that Star Trek, in all its incarnations, fell 
into and you've provided characters and cultures that the fans of B5 
really come to appreciate, and it would have been a cool thing to have 
seen how all these facets of the B5 universe fared during the 100, 500, 
1000, and ultimately the million years later perspective that 
"Deconstruction" gave us.

So what else has been happening with everyone all this time?

	Chris Knight
        knigr5c0 at

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 5 Nov 1997 16:34:05 -0500
Lines: 16

>you've provided characters and cultures that the fans of B5 
>really come to appreciate, and it would have been a cool thing to have 
>seen how all these facets of the B5 universe fared during the 100, 500, 
>1000, and ultimately the million years later perspective that 
>"Deconstruction" gave us.

With another 45 minutes, would've loved to.

>So what else has been happening with everyone all this time?

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