ATTN JMS - A few good words

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 3 06:17:00 EDT 1997

From: Thomas Nofsinger <tinofs at>
Date: 1 Oct 1997 23:44:40 -0400
Lines: 18


In full public view, I just want to say THANK YOU.

Thank you for making "B5" a reality, and for being "B5".
Thank you for being so open and accessable to the fans, the critics,
   and the fans that are the toughest critics.
It is all to easy on the "net" to ask pointed questions and light
a flame or two, but you have should the quality of your character
in your replies to the fans/critics, and handled more bullets
with grace than I would have.

Your a good man JMS.

Thomas Nofsinger

P.S. Thanks for giving me a reason to get a DDS dish;-]

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Oct 1997 06:59:36 -0400
Lines: 14

Thanks...I do get short sometimes (especially under the current conditions of
 the back annoyance, the carpal tunnel, and the pain killers)...but overall it
 work out.

>P.S. Thanks for giving me a reason to get a DDS dish;-]

An interesting idea occurs to me, btw, now that you've mentioned this.  TNT has
 wondered aloud how many people are going to sign up for cable or dishes
 primarily for B5.  If you (reading this) have done so, you may want to let
 them know over at

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