
B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Sep 8 06:14:25 EDT 1997

From: yukailin at juno.com
Date: 6 Sep 1997 23:14:55 -0400
Lines: 10

Hello Joe,

Well, the Los Angeles Times Calendar section listed Tracy Scoggins as a
new member of the Babylon 5 cast, care to elaborate? Is she or isn't she
going to play Lochley? Just curious as to why I would have gotten that
info from the newspaper, and not from this list. It kinda defeats the
purpose for being on this list if we are still kept in the dark with
everyone else out there in TV fandom. Oh well.

Peace, Love and Rock & Roll,

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 7 Sep 1997 21:26:26 -0400
Lines: 15

>Is she or isn't she
>going to play Lochley? Just curious as to why I would have gotten that
>info from the newspaper, and not from this list. It kinda defeats the
>purpose for being on this list if we are still kept in the dark with
>everyone else out there in TV fandom. Oh well.
I've been spreading the news on various nets for weeks now.  The group was
down.  Ain't my fault.


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