ATTN JMS: "Star Wars" Prequels--Your Thoughts?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 9 06:14:04 EDT 1997

From: Josh Ehrnwald <jjehrnwa at>
Date: 8 Sep 1997 15:23:06 -0400
Lines: 15

This is a bit off of the current B5 discussion subjects, but I thought 
that I would ask, and I'm certain that many would be interested in 
hearing, about your thoughts regading the new "Star Wars" trilogy being 
filmed right now, Joe?

I just found out that George Lucas plans to wrap production on Episode I 
at the end of this month or so, and it would then be tweaked with minor 
reshoots and such until its release date is reached. Have you heard about 
all of these yet, or is this completely news to you? :)

Also, what might your expectations/desires be surrounding the plots of 
the films and the new characters themselves? 

			-Josh Ehrnwald

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Sep 1997 17:38:17 -0400
Lines: 17

I know *that* they're making the new SW movies, but don't have enough
information to make any kind of educated comment about them.

>Also, what might your expectations/desires be surrounding the plots of 
>the films and the new characters themselves? 
I generally don't go in with a notion of what I'd want to see; if that was
what it was about, I'd do it myself...I'd rather sit back and see what *he*
does.  That's the joy of it.


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