ATTN JMS: ReBoot 3rd season

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Sep 30 06:30:26 EDT 1997

From: joelmathis at (Joel Mathis)
Date: 29 Sep 1997 19:27:47 -0400
Lines: 32

On 29 Sep 1997 13:44:55 -0400, "John T. Carr III" <jtc11 at>

>Don't know if you've seen this - it's from the Sept. issue of Animation
>   * ReBoot: Mainframe's flagship show sports a new attitude as well as a
>     new look. Originally geared toward a much younger audienge, ReBoot
>     features more action and adventure, and is aimed toward children aged
>     12 years and up. "Creatively, we're taking the show where it
>     originally intended to go:" says Mainframe's Welman. "It's more
>     grown-up and slightly darker." Welman also notes that while ReBoot's
>     third season picks up where the second one left off, the new episodes
>     comprise a 16-part story arc with a continuing storyline that wraps
>     at the end. "You want to keep watching to find out what happens,"
>     Welman says.
>See? Arc-driven storylines are starting to spread... ;-)

Well, cartoons for the past several years have taken a turn toward Arc
driven.  Look at Gargoyles, X-Men, Spiderman, Beast Wars (Beasties
outside of the US), and so on.  There are two things I blame this on.
Japanese animation series have been gaining in popularity and those
who create the cartoons will almost be certainly aware of them.
Couple that with the fact that most syndicated cartoons will have a
run of about 60 episodes with no more ever made, it makes a perfect
situation for arcs.

Joel Mathis

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Sep 1997 21:48:03 -0400
Lines: 10

I don't know if it's still the case, but Larry DiTillio, story editor for
2 years on B5, was/is the story editor on ReBoot, and he's always been big
on arcs, which is why he came to B5 in the first place.


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