ATTN.: JMS - Newsgroup Experiment

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Apr 14 06:37:23 EDT 1998

From: "Ted from Brooklyn" <tedescoj at>
Date: 11 Apr 1998 17:11:06 -0600
Lines: 14

Having just read your e-mails from the Lurker archives of when you were on
rastb5, and the problems you had there, I have a few questions, if I might:
1) Do you consider the exchange of ideas with your viewers to have produced
the result you were expecting?
2) Have other producers, such as  (but not limited to) Messrs. Wolf &
Bochco, ever asked you about this, and if  so, what was your advice?
3) Has the exchanges with a select few turned you away from the fans at all
(i.e., made you more jaded or wary)?
4) Do *you* see any downside to having a moderated group - was there any
drop in *constructive* criticism from rastb5 to .mod?
5) Do the "joke" e-mails offend or flatter you?
Thank you for your time.
John Tedesco

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 13 Apr 1998 16:51:34 -0600
Lines: 41

>1) Do you consider the exchange of ideas with your viewers to have produced
>the result you were expecting?

I really wasn't looking to the result as much as the process.  I expected a
conversation, and I got one.  Some of it has been odd, we've had the occasional
boorish gatecrasher, but on the whole I think it has been instructive in both
directions.  What more can one ask of a party?

>2) Have other producers, such as  (but not limited to) Messrs. Wolf &
>Bochco, ever asked you about this, and if  so, what was your advice?


>3) Has the exchanges with a select few turned you away from the fans at all
>(i.e., made you more jaded or wary)?

Certainly the presence of the psychos has from time to time made it more
difficult; one gets the urge to just yank the modem out of the wall rather than
go out into the room one more time where the nutcases can get to you.  I've
been lied to, lied about, slandered, libeled, accused, villified, tarred (and
sometimes feathered) in absentia, and dead-catted for, essentially, the crime
of talking to the people who like my show.  And the emotional cost of that does
add up over time.  

>4) Do *you* see any downside to having a moderated group - was there any
>drop in *constructive* criticism from rastb5 to .mod?

Nope.  There's as much constructive criticism there as anywhere else.  What it
doesn't have is the same degree of whacko postings by the emotionally infirm.

>5) Do the "joke" e-mails offend or flatter you?

When they come to my private email account, yes; I have enough to wade through
as it is, my private email should be used only when necessary, not for jokes or
the like.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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