Very Interesting Experiment/Suggestion

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Feb 25 06:24:44 EST 1998

From: "Laura M. Appelbaum" <l-appelbaum at>
Date: 22 Feb 1998 00:16:01 -0700
Lines: 32

Friday, February 20 marked the one year anniversary of the Maryland G5
Gathering.  For this special occasion, we not only watched the episode
that aired on Wednesday, but also set up two TVs and VCRs side by side.
On one, we loaded up the Columbia House tape of the original version of
"The Gathering," lo those many years ago.  On the other, we put in the
new, re-edited edition with all those wonderful "new" scenes.  It was
quite an enlightening experiment, which I would highly recommend others

What was so very interesting to see was not only what scenes and pieces
of dialogue were cut from the pilot as it originally aired in order to
create "space" for the "new" scenes, but the places where different
camera angles were used to accompany the same dialogue and how
dramatically (pun intended!) that altered the entire "feel" of the show.

 It was also really wild to start the two versions off at the exact same
moment on the exact same shot and scene and see them "race" back and
forth with each other as teeny, tiny bits of one verision or the other
-- a matter of seconds or even less -- were cut out.  For about ten
seconds, say, the two would be identical.  Suddenly, the "old" version
on the left would move out in front, then the "new" version on the right
would come up hard and fast and race to the finish lines ... ;)  It was
pretty outrageous.  

In the end, I felt like I had taken a seminar in cinematography, editing
and storytelling -- you really can learn SO MUCH by comparing and
reflecting on the differences! (Not to mention a course in "abnormal
psychology" when I tried to figure out why the original director cut out
every scene that had physical action or character development!)  Give it
a try!


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Feb 1998 11:44:07 -0700
Lines: 13

What the experiment also does, which you touch on, is to show how changing an
angle on an actor, making it a close-up rather than a long shot, can make the
scene more or less you can get out of scenes earlier than in the
first version, and thus pick up the pace.  

It is, as you say, most educational.


(jmsatb5 at
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