Darkness Ascending= Damn Amazing! <Spoilers>

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sun Jun 7 06:31:29 EDT 1998

From: jawolf at tiac.net (James A. Wolf)
Date: 4 Jun 1998 08:31:42 -0600
Lines: 71

	Spoilers below.  But before we go to the videotape, I just
want to say that the scatological material has hit the air circulation
device- and It's a good thing too!


Good enough for Allience work.  

	And great as B5.  A perfect followup to Meditations- with the
gun on the wall (remember Chekov?) fired at the audience.  And hows
`bout the refs to The Gathering.  Nice to see G'kar hasn't changed
*THAT* much!

	The opening sequence- May I change my trousers first?  *Maybe*
it was just a dream.  I would not be surprised.  Lyta worries Michael.
Of course any chick who uses phosphorus mascare would worry me too.
Equallyt as likely are the more sinister sounding possibilities.
Maybe she's trying to do a Vorlonesque intervention.  In that case
she's a lot more effective than Lise!

	As for Lise- *NOW* I belive this woman is capeable of having a
long term relation with Garabaldi- as long as he isn't having an
affair with Madame Booze.  The Fresh Air scene was as painful as any
I've watched on TV. 'Gabby the lush' isn't going away after 'a very
special episode'- one reason B5 leaves ordinary TV parsecs behind!

	Lyta...  No pleasure threashold...  erp...  THANK YOU KOSH!!!!
Okay, putting aside purience... for the moment, anyhow, I have said
that B5 is the Roarsharch test of TV.  I see history- especially the
world after WW2.  The Teeps are the Jews- whose find that the universe
doesn't care about their disporportionate suffering and sacrifice
during the war- so their only hope is a homeland.  Teep Zionism.
Clarly the late Byron can be regarded as a Hertzel/Ben-Gurion figure.
What will Bester be?  Irgrun or the anti-Zionist Jews who were the
tools of the Soviet block when the Ruskies finished screwing the Brits
in Palestine?

	Speaking of the Soviets, are we seeing the start of the Cold
War with the Centauri- or at least the Korean conflict?  Points to

	Nice to see certain characters back in their old forms.
Delenn is not a lady to mess around with- even in an arguement.  She
didn't merely hand Johnny's butt back to him, she GIFTWRAPPED the
fragger, and put a pretty bow on it!  Nice verbal Judo, there.  And
Lennier- good to see him carrying out the mission with his usual
aplomb- and Ranger skills.

	Well, that's all for now, so I think I can get back to
purience!   I take the honey and drizzle it over Lyta's bare...

<*>       James A. Wolf - jawolf at tiac.net - www.tiac.net/users/jawolf       <*>

"The jawbone of an ass is just|        |"I would rather stand next to an honest
as dangerous a weapon today as|        |man who uses a clumsy word than an
in Samson's time."            |        |illegal man with five sharp spinners
Richard M. Nixon              |        |any day of my life." Newt Gingrich

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 6 Jun 1998 11:51:28 -0600
Lines: 17

>Nice to see certain characters back in their old forms.
>Delenn is not a lady to mess around with- even in an arguement.  She
>didn't merely hand Johnny's butt back to him, she GIFTWRAPPED the
>fragger, and put a pretty bow on it!  Nice verbal Judo, there. 

That's one of my favorite scenes from that episode...she basically yanks his
pants up over his head and ties them in a knot.  Someone trained in the
religious caste can argue her way around just about anything and anyone.

Minbari religious caste make Jesuits look like intellectual softies by


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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