Attn Jms : Crusade Production Questions

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed May 27 06:16:16 EDT 1998

From: sgwm <sgwm at>
Date: 25 May 1998 15:40:04 -0600
Lines: 33

(Let's try once again, I'll get this if its the last thing I do)

After moaning a bit about a few things I thought it was only fair to
even the scales a bit with a few questions about Crusade and new
productions in general. It's bugged me for a while but with a new show
to look forward to there's no time like the present. I think we've
seen a lot about how shows work when in production but certainly a lot
less about starting them up and getting them going.

As my understanding goes, which may well be fallible, when a new
production starts it is the producer and the production designer who
get together to decide the feel and visual look of the show. John
Iacovelli (spelling?) was production designer on B5. Will he occupy
the same role on Crusade or will a new perspective be brought to the
table to freshen things up and provide something a little different?
Also, how do things proceed from an outline\idea to fleshing out a
fully fledged production? How do the producer and production designer
pull everything together? How will the use of more virtual sets
influence what you guys are doing now?

Will you be using a script editor in Crusade, similar to the way Larry
De Tillio was used in seasons 1 and 2 of B5 before you started writing
all the episodes yourself? I say this in respect of your stated desire
to write half the episodes (a good idea, quality is always more
important that quantity) and that 11 will be written by freelancers.
Do you feel that Crusade will need one?

[ps. Jay, can you please fix this only post by email crap so the
software doesn't maul my mail as it has now done 4 bloody times. Also
do something that allows me to cancel messages - I cant get rid of the
other three].

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 May 1998 10:11:58 -0600
Lines: 43

>As my understanding goes, which may well be fallible, when a new
>production starts it is the producer and the production designer who
>get together to decide the feel and visual look of the show. 

Your understanding is correct.
>Iacovelli (spelling?) was production designer on B5. Will he occupy
>the same role on Crusade or will a new perspective be brought to the
>table to freshen things up and provide something a little different?

No, John is still with the show, though we've brought in some new designers and
graphics people to work alongside the folks we've had from day one, so there's
definitely new blood (and the old blood ain't bad either).  

I've stood on, and we've shot in, the set for the Excalibur, and I think it may
be the coolest starship *I've* ever seen on film for TV, frankly.  

>Also, how do things proceed from an outline\idea to fleshing out a
>fully fledged production? How do the producer and production designer
>pull everything together? How will the use of more virtual sets
>influence what you guys are doing now?

It goes from the scripts.  For instance, the first script written will be the
third one produced, to allow more time for production design on some of the
elaborate set and other requirements.  And yes, we'll be doing more with
virtual sets.

>Will you be using a script editor in Crusade, similar to the way Larry
>De Tillio was used in seasons 1 and 2 of B5 before you started writing
>all the episodes yourself?

Even when Larry was on B5, I ended up rewriting the script to one degree or
another, not to correct anything Larry did, 'cause he's one of the best, only
to bring it into line with my view of B5, which is eccentric and subjective at
best.  So at this point, there's no need to bring on a story editor, though
I'll be keeping my eye out for possibilities to serve in that capacity on later
seasons, once I find out who can write for this show and who can't.


(jmsatb5 at
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