JMS CIS Digest: 30-Nov-99 14:12 through 30-Nov-99 14:12 (2 msgs)

John D. Hardin jhardin at
Wed Dec 1 09:30:15 EST 1999

RFC 1153 Digest of messages from
J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
30-Nov-99 14:12 through 30-Nov-99 14:12 (2 messages)

WARNING: This digest may contain information about shows
         you haven't seen yet ("spoilers"). Proceed with caution.

Subjects in digest:
        Rising Star 11/22/99

  South Park fans may wish to visit:

  With the end of Crusade and the great reduction in the volume of
  posts by JMS, I have decided the time has come to discontinue
  production of the Digest. I will continue to collect and repost any
  JMS traffic through at least the end of September, but unless SciFi
  (or somebody) picks up Crusade and the message volume increases the
  Digest will end no later than the end of this year. What a ride it
  has been!

Last updated Sat Feb 13 10:21:30 1999
  Contact me (John D. Hardin) at <jhardin at> with comments
and requests.
  I am sorry, but I do *not* read every digest, nor do I insert spoiler
warnings. *Proceed at your own risk.* 
  If you wish to ask JMS a question, FIRST try posting publicly to the
newsgroup - he hangs out there. Make
sure you insert appropriate spoiler protection! Put "ATTN JMS:" in the
subject line so he can find it easily. If you can't post directly to the
newsgroup from your site, you can mail your post to the moderators at
<b5mod at>. I cannot forward messages to JMS, though I may
take a shot at answering questions.
  Please do *not* send JMS email unless the question is of a private nature
that cannot be discussed in a public forum. JMS has requested that private
email be sent to his GEnie email account at <straczynski at>
rather than to his Compuserve account, as CIS limits mailbox size and he
has had important business email bounce due to his mailbox being filled
with fan email. Please see
for further details.
  An outstanding B5 resource on the WWW is the Lurker's Guide, at - I *highly* recommend it.
  Archives of this digest are available at - create
a filter for and search for "JMS CIS Digest".
  If permission from the author has been received, non-JMS original
posts will be included in this digest. Otherwise they will not. Please
see the copyright notices below.
  I am not involved with administration of any mailing lists this digest
appears in. If you have questions about the mailing list, *please* send
them to the mailing list owner. Mailing list owners I am aware of are:
    <b5jms-owner at> (B5JMS Poster, b5jms)
    <judge at> (Dirk A. Loedding, jms-posts)
    <slarty at> (Slartibartfast, Fidonet B5 echo - 1:243/42)
    <owner-tnt-b5-info at> (Brian D. Eliassen, TNT B5 list)

  The messages in this digest are copyrighted and the rights to them
remain with the original authors. If a message appears in this digest
then I have received permission to repost it to USENET and to mailing
lists. This permission does not automatically transfer to other persons.
Particularly, if this digest is being forwarded to mailing lists, etc.,
then the person doing so must 1) obtain permission to do so from the
original poster of each message on CIS, and 2) *remove* such messages
from the digest until and unless permission is granted. (JMS has granted
blanket permission for non-profit electronic redistribution of his posts.)
  Therefore, I suggest mailing list owners contact me to make arrangements
for me to post the digest directly to their mailing list.
  If you wish the Digest to be carried on a local or regional newsgroup,
please contact me. I may be able to post the Digest to it directly.
  Additionally, the original compilation of these messages is Copyright

  Replies to this digest go to John Hardin.


Date: 30 Nov 1999 08:15:10 -0700
From: SysOp Deonaha M. Conlin <102531.2627 at>
To: John Bendel <73447.741 at>
Subject: Rising Star 11/22/99
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.72759 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.72734 at>


> Newbury Comics here in Boston isn't expecting them in until this
> Wednesday, they didn't get many deliveries last Wednesday.

> sigh  The femme at Trilogy gave me a blank look yesterday.  I'll check
> Friday.  gloomy

I have one single problem with this (or any other comic series):

I am NOT a patient person!  <g>  And this one is making me twitchy! 

Di Conlin (aka Tigger), Wielder of the Lesser Salmon of Discipline
Supreme Dominatrix, RMES - your fearless leader Sigh Corps - Jason
Carter Division


Date: 30 Nov 1999 14:12:13 -0700
From: J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644 at>
To: SysOp Deonaha M. Conlin <102531.2627 at>
Subject: Rising Star 11/22/99
Message-ID: <forum.babylon5.72765 at>
References: <forum.babylon5.72759 at>

      The book, I'm told by TC, will definitely be out this Wednesday;
the holiday kind of cut into their schedule.



End of JMS CIS Digest 30-Nov-99 14:12 through 30-Nov-99 14:12
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-*** B5JMS SUBSCRIBERS: Replies to messages go to the list maintainer,
-*** <b5jms-owner at>.  If you want to reply elsewhere, adjust
-*** the "To" field.  See for all
-*** other information about this list.

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