Attn: JMS - Loscon clarification

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Dec 2 04:29:56 EST 1999

From: Yu Kai-lin <kailin at>
Date: 1 Dec 1999 07:01:44 -0700
Lines: 37

Hello Joe, it was nice seeing you again yesterday at Loscon. I was
trying to recount some of your discussion to a friend of mine, and got
real fuzzy on some of the things you talked about. Call it 'day 3 of a
con' syndrome, but I was real tired by the time you hit the stage. 

Anyhow, the question is in regards to a certain project you are working
on. I can't even remember the name of it correctly, which is part of the
problem. It is called either 'The world is on fire' or 'The world is
burning', either of those ring a bell? Can't believe my brain was so
numb as to not remember everything you said, but there you have it. I
just wanted to know if you were indeed still trying to shop the project
around, or if it was on the back burner for now? I won't mention
anything else about it here, since you haven't gone too public with this
project yet. In fact, if you don't want to talk about it yet, just tell
me to shut up and go back to sleep, I'm still very tired. Oh yes, that
is a statement about how fun Loscon was this year, way too much partying
on my part. 

Peace, Love and Rock & Roll,


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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 1 Dec 1999 23:14:02 -0700
Lines: 13

The project is being moved around, but the development season which goes from
about June through October was pretty much over when all hell broke loose, so I
expect nothing much can be done with it until next June at the earliest.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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