JMS: Why TV?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Oct 26 04:33:40 EDT 1999

From: jbonetati at (JBONETATI)
Date: 26 Oct 1999 00:06:56 -0600
Lines: 13


You may have noticed that many of us are scrambling to collect videos, DVDs,
magazines, books and scripts of B5 and Crusade.  

With all of the media that you've worked in, why have you chosen to tell so
many of your stories on TV?  Isn't that awfully ephemeral for the breadth of
story you tell?  

Thanks, as always,


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Oct 1999 01:40:17 -0600
Lines: 21

>With all of the media that you've worked in, why have you chosen to tell so
>many of your stories on TV?  Isn't that awfully ephemeral for the breadth of
>story you tell?  

It's an ephemeral medium but a pervasive one; it hits millions of people at a
time.  A best selling novel reaches 100,000 people or so; at its worst, the
average B5 episode was seen by 10 *million* people here in the US alone.  If
the task of the writer is to tell stories to the largest number of people, then
TV gives you that ability.

And why abandon such a powerful and pervasive medium to the visigoths?


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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