ATTN: JMS: Re: Off-topic from jms re: campaign 2000

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Feb 21 04:44:28 EST 2000

From: WWS <wschmidt at>
Date: 20 Feb 2000 14:11:57 -0700
Lines: 52

ImRastro wrote:
> JMS wrote:
> >The first time I voted
> > in a Presidential election I couldn't *wait* to vote because it would give
> >me
> >the opportunity to vote against that creep Nixon in 1972, for whom I'm sure
> >an
> > entire section of hell has been set aside.
> I couldn't wait to vote in my first election because it gave me the opportunity
> to vote against Reagan who, I have no doubt, will be joining Nixon in hell.  I
> was devistated when he won.  I could not understand what I considered the
> wilfull ignorance of the majority.  Ah well.

Even with all the evidence in, you still can't bear to admit that Reagan
was the best president America had in the last 50 years.  Not only did
the country end up in far better shape than it was when he took over,
his policies were directly responsible for the collapse of the Soviet
Union and the death of communism as a serious political movement.

And the left can never forgive him for that.

Proud to say the first vote I ever cast in my life was for Reagan, in
1980, and he lived up to everything I ever hoped for from him.

> Oddly, I think that is McCain's biggest problem (that and the fact that he
> "went negative" in S. Carolina), the majority of his supporters are moderate to
> conservative democrats and he can't make inroads into the the conservative
> republican camp.
> He shoulda switched sides.

The democratic party just isn't a home for anyone who respects the
military, or this country's position in the world anymore.  That's
why it's not only going to lose the presidency, but both branches
of Congress as well.

And I actually think McCain's position on National Security is
much more well thought out than GeeDubyah's - he would make
a great defense secretary.  If you recall, he was one of the
only senators who said the bombing in Serbia didn't go nearly
far enough.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 20 Feb 2000 21:03:08 -0700
Lines: 30

>Even with all the evidence in, you still can't bear to admit that Reagan
>was the best president America had in the last 50 years.  Not only did
>the country end up in far better shape than it was when he took over,
>his policies were directly responsible for the collapse of the Soviet
>Union and the death of communism as a serious political movement.

He did this in part by spending them into the ground on military projects, and
along the way almost did the same thing to *us* by ringing up the biggest
deficit in history, which we are *still* trying to pay off.

And let us not forget his administration's attitude toward education and the
environment (good old Watt who declared that in school food programs, catsup
could be considered a vegetable for dietary purposes).

Now it's Reagan who can be considered a vegetable.  I find something most
appropos about that.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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