JMS, Shame on you (was Re: ATTN: JMS: Re: Off-topic from jms

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Feb 22 04:21:53 EST 2000

From: biles at (C/1Lt. Joe Biles)
Date: 21 Feb 2000 15:22:10 -0700
Lines: 24

Needlessly cruel like violating the democratic process, maybe. Pity
that Hinckley fellow couldn't get closer. Oh well, at least the crook
will suffer longer this way. However bad Reagonomics may have been,
it's nothing on October Surprise and Iran/Contra. As far as JMS, the
only thing I can say is that Nixon is going to have company in his
private little corner of hell.

On 21 Feb 2000 07:16:44 -0700, Nathan Shafer <shafers at>

>Jms at B5 wrote:
>> Now it's Reagan who can be considered a vegetable.  I find something most
>> appropos about that.
>Joe, shame on you.  Whatever your disagreements with RR on policy, to
>make that kind of cruel joke is simply abysmal, and I am very disappoin-
>ted.  I've never seen you that needlessly cruel before, and have to say
>I don't like it.
>Nathan Shafer

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 21 Feb 2000 18:05:34 -0700
Lines: 43

>Needlessly cruel like violating the democratic process, maybe. Pity
>that Hinckley fellow couldn't get closer. Oh well, at least the crook
>will suffer longer this way. However bad Reagonomics may have been,
>it's nothing on October Surprise and Iran/Contra. As far as JMS, the
>only thing I can say is that Nixon is going to have company

You know, it's funny that we all like to say we support freedom of speech and
differing opinions until someone actually *uses* same, at which point one is
pilloried for saying such things (though on the other hand it's enlivened the
conversation a bit).

I'm sorry, but I can have no soft spot in my heart for Reagan.  He's been a
quisling ever since he was president of the Screen Actors Guild and cooperated
gleefully with HUAC in rooting out all those supposed commies in the film biz.

He ran a heartless administration, which saw retreats in many necessary social
areas, and created a meanspirited "me first" generation that gutted the heart
of this country.  He allowed, even encouraged the closure of plants and the
shifting of the very *heart* of this country's manufacturing basis to other
countries because it was good for share holders, no matter how many people were
thrown out of work after decades of loyal service.

You want to talk mean and cruel, nothing I said here compares in the
*slightest* with the tens of thousands of people who have suffered lost jobs
and incomes and even lost lives because of the policies and programs he

But that's the way of things...get outraged about the *word* and not the
*thing*...and the *thing* here vastly outweighs a few pixels and phospher dots.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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