JMS, Shame on you (was Re: ATTN: JMS: Re: Off-topic from jms

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Feb 22 04:26:54 EST 2000

From: jbonetati at (JBONETATI)
Date: 21 Feb 2000 19:29:23 -0700
Lines: 17

<<You know, it's funny that we all like to say we support freedom of speech and
differing opinions until someone actually *uses* same, at which point one is
pilloried for saying such things (though on the other hand it's enlivened the
conversation a bit).>>

With all respect, JMS, I think that what people are reacting to is that
somebody as thoughtful and mindful as you are should wish the absence of
mindfulness on *anyone*.  That was my reaction, at least. To lose mental acuity
and not even know it is my greatest nightmare and I'm sure I'm not alone.

This latest post, at least illustrates why you despise him and the fact that
you are aware of his entire career as a basis for your opinion.  That makes
sense, whether or not any of us agree.  The other, I'm afraid, simply seemed
beneath you and needlessly offensive.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Feb 2000 01:27:54 -0700
Lines: 28

>With all respect, JMS, I think that what people are reacting to is that
>somebody as thoughtful and mindful as you are should wish the absence of
>mindfulness on *anyone*. 

I absolutely agree.

I want him to *remember* all the things he did -- closing down mental health
facilities and throwing old or mentally dysfunctional people into the streets
(including many with alzheimer's) so we could spend billions on corporate
welfare, including millions of bucks spent to promote the Pillsbury Dough Boy
in South America -- so that one day, right before the end, he might finally
realize how much pain he caused, and have just a flicker of regret.

Not that I hold a grudge, mind.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
(all message content (c) 2000 by
synthetic worlds, ltd., permission
to reprint specifically denied to
SFX Magazine)

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