[B5JMS] JMS "fan favorite"

b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu b5jms-admin at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Mar 23 04:27:08 EST 2001

From: "Joseph DeMartino" <Joseph-DeMartino at worldnet.att.net>
Date: 22 Mar 2001 09:25:59 -0700
Lines: 22

It was in the "Crusade" Writer's Guide, as were the dates of 2264/65 for the
Teep War and the death of Lyta.  I'm pretty sure that the dates and the fact
of Lyta's death are confirmed in the last book of the Telepath Trilogy.  I'm
less sure about Lennier's fate, but am inclined to think that JMS will stick
with the plan in that regard.

Of course, we don't know the *exact* dates of the Teep War (hell, it could
start on December 31st 2264 and end on January 1st 2265), nor do we know
*exactly* when the "Rangers" (I refuse to abbreviate it as "LotR" <g>) pilot
takes place.  Probably somewhere in 2265.  Do, depending on exactly what JMS
does, the new project could start just *after* the Teep War or it could
overlap it just for the pilot, or it may be going on all or part of the way
through season one.

All in all I don't think I'd wager heavily on Lyta or Lennier for either the
pilot or the series, except perhaps in flashbacks.



From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Mar 2001 23:06:46 -0700
Lines: 26

>Of course, we don't know the *exact* dates of the Teep War (hell, it could
>start on December 31st 2264 and end on January 1st 2265), nor do we know
>*exactly* when the "Rangers" (I refuse to abbreviate it as "LotR" <g>) pilot
>takes place.  Probably somewhere in 2265.  Do, depending on exactly what JMS
>does, the new project could start just *after* the Teep War or it could
>overlap it just for the pilot, or it may be going on all or part of the way
>through season one.

See, you know what's the most fun for me in all this?

That people can actually have enough information to be able to discuss a
sequence of events two hundred years in the future, *to within a few weeks one
way or another* in a fictional universe.

That's just boss....


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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