[B5JMS] Supreme Power Update

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Jun 5 04:24:18 EDT 2003

From: "Seeker Wearing Sneakers" <craig at sunflower.com>
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 01:28:51 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 40

> >Couple of quick bits though...
> >When might we see the last few Rising Stars issues? PLEASE!!
> That depends entirely on a situation with Top Cow that is in need of
> resolution.  The delay in writing has not been a delay in writing; it's
> working through some problems with Top Cow for the last...almost year now.
> final issues won't be turned in untnil those issues are resolved.

Joe, could you please elaborate on this?  If your Rising Stars fans know the
details, perhaps we could apply a little pressure on Image/Top Cow to help
resolve those issues in your favor.  Is it correct to infer that these
issues are what has also indefinately delayed Dream Police, which you have
previously stated is already written and inked?

Speaking for myself, I feel a bit betrayed.  When RS started, you seemed
happy with the deal you had at Top Cow, and there was never a hint that this
series might not get finished.  I realize the problem is probably on Top
Cow's end, so please don't read this as if I'm pointing the finger or
placing the blame on you.  It's just that I am emotionally invested in the
series, and to not have resolution to the story for whatever reason is
simply unfair.

Rising Stars is what got me into comics in the first place.  Now, I get over
25 different monthly titles, none of which I look forward to like I did with
Rising Stars and Midnight Nation.  Spider-man is cool, but Rising Stars was
100% pure JMS.

One more question - do these issues surrounding the Rising Stars comic have
anything to do with the MGM film that was in the works, which you scripted
and was in the process of being rewritten?


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 14:32:23 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 47

>Joe, could you please elaborate on this?  If your Rising Stars fans know the
>details, perhaps we could apply a little pressure on Image/Top Cow to help
>resolve those issues in your favor. 

No, I think that is an inappropriate use of one's readers.  Business situations
must and should be resolved by the people involved, you don't go to the fans,
or the readers, to apply leverage in that kind of dispute.  To encourage
reneweal?  Sure.  To get into the middle of a business situation?  No.  I think
it's unprofessional.  Down the road, if things don't get resolved, yes, then I
think some comments need to be made as a courtesy.  If they do get resolved,
you say as little as possible because again that's the polite thing to do.

> Is it correct to infer that these
>issues are what has also indefinately delayed Dream Police, which you have
>previously stated is already written and inked?

No, in that it's been written now for a few years (literally), but only a few
pages have been drawn.  The thing is just sort of laying there.

>Speaking for myself, I feel a bit betrayed.  When RS started, you seemed
>happy with the deal you had at Top Cow, and there was never a hint that this
>series might not get finished.  I realize the problem is probably on Top
>Cow's end, so please don't read this as if I'm pointing the finger or
>placing the blame on you.  It's just that I am emotionally invested in the
>series, and to not have resolution to the story for whatever reason is
>simply unfair.

I could not agree with you more.  Clearly I have a huge emotional investment in
the story as well and would like to see it finished.

>One more question - do these issues surrounding the Rising Stars comic have
>anything to do with the MGM film that was in the works, which you scripted
>and was in the process of being rewritten?

No comment.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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