[B5JMS] Supreme Power Update

b5jms at cs.columbia.edu b5jms at cs.columbia.edu
Thu Jun 5 04:24:23 EDT 2003

From: SamusekTDS <samusek at attglobal.net>
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 17:50:24 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 35

Jms at B5 wrote:
>>Couple of quick bits though...
>>When might we see the last few Rising Stars issues? PLEASE!! 
> That depends entirely on a situation with Top Cow that is in need of
> resolution.  The delay in writing has not been a delay in writing; it's been
> working through some problems with Top Cow for the last...almost year now.  The
> final issues won't be turned in untnil those issues are resolved.

That really sucks. (Not that I'm even remotely placing blame - mostly 
because obviously I don't know the FIRST THING about these 'problems' 
so, unlike many internet folk, I won't be arrogant enough to open my 
mouth on the subject!)

I just hate it when business and other difficulties get in the way of 
something cool coming out / being made. (*cough*Crusade*cough*) That's 
worse than low ratings cancellations.

I hope that for your part, though, that you will make it a priority for 
the fans to clear this up (even if the onus is on Top Cow) and get those 
last issues to the loyal readers. (like me!)

I know that I personally, having bought every issue of every book you 
have written thus far, feel RELUCTANT (to say the least) to jump into a 
new and *unknown* entity like Supreme Power (as opposed to say, Dr. 
Strange) without Rising Stars being concluded (due to their 
similarities). So, IMHO, it's probably more in your interest to get the 
end of RS out then it is for Top Cow. That's the problem with waiting on 
Top Cow.

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: Wed, 4 Jun 2003 15:57:47 +0000 (UTC)
Lines: 36

>I know that I personally, having bought every issue of every book you 
>have written thus far, feel RELUCTANT (to say the least) to jump into a 
>new and *unknown* entity like Supreme Power (as opposed to say, Dr. 
>Strange) without Rising Stars being concluded (due to their 

Except, of course, that they're not similar in any way, manner, shape or form. 
This is an extension of the world that Mark Gruenwald created long ago,
predating RS.  Yes, it's a world that has not previously seen super heroes, but
that's just about any fictional universe before, say, Kal-El lands.  The two
stories do not touch each other at any two contiguous points.  

>So, IMHO, it's probably more in your interest to get the 
>end of RS out then it is for Top Cow. That's the problem with waiting on 
>Top Cow.

If someone is not doing right by you, and they want something from you, it's in
your best interests to get them to do right by you before you give them what
they want.  It's about being a professional business person and living up to
agreements.  I always honor mine, and tend to make sure others do the same.  If
you hire a contractor to build you a home, and two thirds through reneg or
otherwise back off on the business arrangement, a reasonable person doesn't
expect the contractor to continue working anyway.  The logic you employ is the
logic constantly used to screw writers.  I don't work that way.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
(all message content (c) 2003 by synthetic worlds, ltd., 
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine 
and don't send me story ideas)

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